How’s your neck?

Your hands are free but how’s your neck? Alan Nevies at North London Osteopaths has some words of wisdom for you! Often we hold our phone between our neck and shoulder when our hands are full. Although it might be convenient at the time it has negative effects on the muscles and joints on the.. read more →

Frozen shoulder

Many people in the mild temperatures of north London suffer from frozen shoulder. At North London osteopaths, Alan Nevies and associates diagnose and treat this problem frequently. A frozen shoulder occurs when the shoulder joint capsule contracts, either for no apparent reason or following a minor injury. This results in pain and stiffness and may.. read more →

Going away on holiday

As we approach the summer months we know that many of the patients from North London Osteopaths, Golders Green, will be going away on holiday. Heavy lifting is a common reason for low back pain and here at North London Osteopaths we can provide some tips which will make lifting easier, safer and hopefully injury.. read more →

Dealing with allergies

Here at we are ready for the bright beautiful skies of spring and the lazy hazy crazy days of summer and we can help you get ready too! Sadly, many people suffer with a variety of allergies caused by the different pollens that proliferate now and osteopathy can be very useful as a way.. read more →


At northlondonosteopaths Alan Nevies and associates see many patients who present with shoulder joint pain. The shoulder joint is unique in the sense that its stability is provided by muscles known as the ‘Rotator Cuff’ and not by ligaments. The rotator cuff muscles are supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis. Tears to the rotator cuff.. read more →

How young is too young?

Here at we are regularly asked: How young is too young? It is often thought that because babies and children are so young they are not exposed to any stresses that may result in strains in their bodies. In reality, the birth process exposes the baby to a lot of stress and strains! This.. read more →

Exercises for Coccyx Injuries-handy suggestions from

The tailbone, called the coccyx, is the last three to five vertebrae at the bottom of the spine. Injury to the tailbone may occur when a person falls backwards, or during childbirth. Some relief from pain may be achieved through the use of physical therapy exercises. Squats Bodyweight squats can relieve the pressure on the.. read more →


At we are delighted to offer acupuncture to our patients in addition to osteopathy. Western medical acupuncture is a therapeutic treatment involving the insertion of fine needles. It is an adaptation of Chinese acupuncture using current knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology, and the principles of evidence based medicine. Acupuncture is effective in a.. read more →

Keep Moving!

There has certainly been an increase of patients coming into with symptoms of excessive flexibility within their joints.  This is known as hypermobility ( or sometimes Ehlers-Danlos syndrome). A variant of this condition is now prevalent in children who appear to have weaknesses in certain muscle groups. They come to see Alan Nevies complaining of headaches, backaches, lack of energy and.. read more →

Beating the January Freeze

Whether or not the freeze up from across the Atlantic arrives here, January is the middle of winter and keeping all parts of the body warm and moving is a good idea. At we recommend that you start the day with muscle stretches slowly and gently. Put one leg in front of the other, so.. read more →