Keep Moving!
There has certainly been an increase of patients coming into northlondonosteopaths.co.uk with symptoms of excessive flexibility within their joints. This is known as hypermobility ( or sometimes Ehlers-Danlos syndrome).
A variant of this condition is now prevalent in children who appear to have weaknesses in certain muscle groups. They come to see Alan Nevies complaining of headaches, backaches, lack of energy and abdominal pain.
This is due to children not walking enough, being taken to school in cars, not exercising or playing in the garden but rather playing and texting on their phones and computers. Alan Nevies treats the children with osteopathic techniques to improve their muscle strength and tone and gives them various exercises that help improve their posture. He also suggests that children get more exercise and incorporate as much movement as possible into their daily lives by playing more sport andwalking to places instead of being driven.