How to tell if your painkiller is the right one for you

An article in the Times newspaper 26/6/21 began with the headline: Headache? Bad back? How to tell if your painkiller is the right one for you It continued with the results of a study by surgeons at Mc Master University, Ontario analysing data on more than 5,000 patients after surgery which was reported in the.. read more →

60 years since the first hip replacement operation by Sir John Charnley

At northlondonosteopaths Alan Nevies and his colleagues treat many hip related issues. These may arise from muscle or ligament strain in the area surrounding the hip, or certain injuries. Hip pain may also be caused by bursitis. A bursa is like a shock absorber that reduces the impact on the hip joint. Sometimes this gets.. read more →

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

At northlondonosteopaths, Alan Nevies and his colleagues are always keen to keep abreast of new developments and use the best tools and treatments for their patients. This week’s obituary (Daily Telegraph 5/3/21) featured Professor John Mallard, born January 14 1927 and died 25 February 2021. Professor Mallard led the scientific team at Aberdeen University that.. read more →

Coming out of lockdown

With restrictions easing we are finally able to leave our houses for reasons other than work and essential shopping. Gyms and other sporting facilities will be opening up again and it might be tempting to throw caution to the winds and be a bigger version of a kid in a sweet shop . However, STOP.. read more →

A balanced approach at northlondonosteopaths

Alan Nevies and his colleagues at northlondonosteopaths want to focus on balance in this blog. From our first tentative steps as babies we adjust to walking on two legs which is quite a miracle when we consider that many animals opt for the intrinsically more stable version of 4 limbs on the ground! Good balance.. read more →

Does working from home turn out to be a pain in the neck?

According to the Sunday Telegraph10/5/20 “working from home turns out to be a pain in the neck”. According to Alan Nevies and his colleagues at northlondonosteopaths it does not have to be. Some practitioners are reporting a rise in patients needing treatment for back and neck pains. They attribute this to the home environment not.. read more →

Osteopathic advice for people confined to home

At northlondonosteopaths Alan Nevies and his colleagues have been asked for general advice on how to stay osteopathically safe during lockdown. The following general principles and specific actions are recommended to help towards a healthy pain free lockdown. Get up and move. Do not hold any one position for an extended period. Too much of.. read more →

Business (not) as usual

As we enter the second week of the more intense lock down measures, Alan Nevies and his colleagues at northlondonosteopaths have not been working in the practice treating patients as usual. As a rule the conditions we treat are not those that put patients’ lives in danger and require immediate treatment. They may cause pain.. read more →

Pain relief – a novel approach that’s as old as the Bible

At northlondonosteopaths Alan Nevies and his colleagues spend much of their time trying to alleviate various aches and pains. So it was very interesting to read an article in the Times UK recently that said doctors are to start suggesting that people in pain should do acts of kindness to help them feel better. Although.. read more →

Sitting ducks and sciatica

Alan Nevies and his colleagues at northlondonosteopaths have blogged about this before, but now we look at the problem from a new angle. The increase in numbers of the work force absent from work because of back pain can be explained by the deskbound day of a large number of people. Additionally, the lower back.. read more →