Lockdown Lightbulbs week 1
As we commence the first week of the second lockdown Alan Nevies and his colleagues at northlondonosteopaths would like to suggest, on a weekly basis, some good habits to develop and maintain during this period. There may be specific problems that arise from being indoors (often more sedentary) as we are encouraged to stay at.. read more →
Glutes and backs
Most commonly the butt of many jokes, more professionally labelled as gluteus maximus (glutes for short) this week’s blog from northlondonosteopaths is telling us how to protect our backs via our backside! Alan Nevies and his colleagues at northlondonosteopaths want to focus firstly on the need for strong glutes, which are often overlooked completely while.. read more →
Best foot forward
At northlondonosteopaths Alan Nevies and his colleagues may deal with problems arising from the malfunction of all areas of the musculo-skeletal system. Of all the miraculous parts of the human body, today’s spotlight is on the fabulous foot! It has been described as a biomechanical marvel. A distinctive feature of the foot is the arch.. read more →