09 Apr 2019

The best way to slow down the aging clock-advice from northlondonosteopaths

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A recent study published in the European heart Journal has found that running and high intensity interval training, consisting of mixed sprinting and jogging, slowed and perhaps even reversed a critical element of the aging process. This result did not occur when the observed exercise was resistance training with weights. Alan Nevies and colleagues will treat patients at all stages of life and many over the age of 20 will want advice on the best way to stay fit and young at heart/muscle/bone.

The benefits of exercise, especially aerobic endurance training are significant and include lowering blood pressure, regulating blood sugar levels, strengthening the immune system, reducing the risk of falls, reducing chronic pain and improving quality of sleep.

Examples of this type of exercise include walking, running, jogging, swimming, cycling and some sports for example tennis and football.

Incorporating any of these activities 2-3 times per week for periods of 20 minutes can be highly beneficial, bringing more blood and nutrients to the muscles and giving the heart a work-out. Variety is also important as it keeps the body guessing what is coming next, engaging the thought process and stimulating the brain as well.

Alan Nevies and his colleagues at northlondonosteopaths would agree this is a very worthwhile investment.
