23 Sep 2014

School children with back problems

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At northlondonosteopaths alan nevies treats many school children with back problems. These are caused by a variety of reasons but very often carrying around heavy back packs all day is the major culprit. Alan Nevies remembers (just after the dinosaurs) when he was in school, students were largely based in one classroom where they kept most of their books in a desk. This meant their backs were not constantly under strain throughout the day.

Together with pediatricians and head teachers Alan Nevies would like to make certain changes so that the children of today do not become the back sufferers of tomorrow. There must be a way to prevent avoidable damage and misery for the current generation of children and the adults of the future. Below is a copy of a letter that Alan Nevies would like to distribute to as many schools as possible. We would appreciate your feedback and suggestions for any other measures that could address these issues.


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