13 Jun 2018

Robotic knee replacement lecture

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Alan nevies and associates of northlondonosteopaths went to a lecture on robotic knee replacement .

This very interesting lecture described the benefits of robot-assisted surgery. For those of our patients who need a more invasive solution to their knee problems a successful robotic knee replacement surgery might create a more “normal” feeling knee and result in reduced recovery times partly because there is less removal of healthy tissue. Most importantly, after the lecture Alan Nevies and associates felt that the precision of the laser beams in the surgery meant that there was almost 100% accuracy in the placement of the implant.

World class orthopaedic surgeons have described it as “an outstanding leap forward in technology which will revolutionise knee joint replacement”.

At Northlondon osteopaths Alan Nevies and associates would hope to help the knee joint with manual therapy, but for those cases that are not appropriate for this, it is good to know that technology is improving the outcomes of what has been a very tricky procedure with long recovery periods and limited success. We doubt it but, perhaps one day robots may take over from osteopaths who knows!!!!!!!!
