07 Apr 2020

Business (not) as usual

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As we enter the second week of the more intense lock down measures, Alan Nevies and his colleagues at northlondonosteopaths have not been working in the practice treating patients as usual. As a rule the conditions we treat are not those that put patients’ lives in danger and require immediate treatment. They may cause pain and discomfort and unchecked both pain and discomfort can lead to other and graver issues, but in the current coronavirus crisis they would not justify keeping the practice open for business as usual. So in order to protect patients and practitioners the decision was taken to close the practice for the time being. We are constantly referring to Government and NHS guidelines and checking the advice from the General Council of Osteopaths. We look forward to (hopefully soon as safe) informing you of our return to work.

Alan Nevies and his colleagues are deeply distressed by the closure on many levels. All the practitioners, Alan Nevies, Sean Noimark and Ari Nevies are passionate about improving the lives of those who are in pain and could be helped by osteopathic treatment. They believe in osteopathy as being a wonderful tool where appropriate to realign the body’s natural positions and correct problems that arise from misalignment.

In the main osteopaths cannot “work from home” or remotely. Osteopathy is a manual therapy. Whereas GPs may be able to conduct appointments via skype and make certain judgements re diagnosis and treatment from a screen consultation, manipulation, soft tissue massage, traction and articulation need to actually take place. However, there is some advice that we may be able to give to ensure osteopathically sound habits for the period of social isolation that we now find ourselves in. We will be uploading further blogs which impart this advice and if anyone has any questions please contact us so we can help you.

Stay safe and well till we meet again.
