NASA technology to protect its ballerinas from injury

The Royal Ballet is adapting NASA technology to protect its ballerinas from injury, with overworked dancers now able to soothe their tired limbs by wearing bandages developed using space suit technology. The leg wraps, made by the sports equipment company Game Ready, deliver tissue repairing therapy with cold compressions and are part of the company’s.. read more →

It’s time to take the UK’s musculoskeletal health seriously

A recent supplement in the Daily Telegraph began with the eye catching headline “It’s time to take the UK’s musculoskeletal health seriously.” Full page articles about osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, the effects of depression that may present with a diagnosis of arthritis, dealt with the real issues that patients with these conditions face. At.. read more →

Robotic knee replacement lecture

Alan nevies and associates of northlondonosteopaths went to a lecture on robotic knee replacement . This very interesting lecture described the benefits of robot-assisted surgery. For those of our patients who need a more invasive solution to their knee problems a successful robotic knee replacement surgery might create a more “normal” feeling knee and result.. read more →

Useless jabs?

Following on from the last post, Alan Nevies and his colleagues at northlondonosteopaths have observed that the debate about the best treatment for back pain continues. This time “useless jabs”, probably referring to epidural spinal injections, have been the object of scrutiny. There are occasions when Alan Nevies and his colleagues might recommend such a.. read more →

Not in a million years!

An article in the Daily Telegraph (22/3/18) came up with an astonishing statistic. “Back pain costs Britain a million years in lost productivity annually, with GPs signing patient off work too easily”. This was based on a series of reports in the Lancet which rounded on doctors for prescribing painkillers and sometimes surgery, neither of.. read more →

A pressing matter for your health

At northlondonosteopaths Alan Nevies and his associates are always interested in the latest advice for improved general and specific bone and muscle health. A scientific study recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology revealed that doing the correct but quite simple exercises at home on a regular basis delivered significant health benefits, on par.. read more →


For those who are keen to welcome the pending spring as days start to grow longer and brighter, the Daily Telegraph (9/1/18) sounds a cautionary note. “Don’t put your back into it” warns the headline, and the article quotes the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). A recent study has found that if digging is done in.. read more →

We can help you shoulder the burden

An article in the Daily Telegraph, appearing on Tuesday 21/11/17 claimed that an increasingly popular form of shoulder surgery carried out on more than 21,000 people is almost entirely pointless. At northlondonosteopaths, Alan Nevies and his colleagues treat many patients with shoulder pain from various causes. They were therefore very interested in this study as.. read more →

Winter Sports Advice from northlondonosteopaths

Not just for the skiers! As we head towards the winter months, the need for regular and appropriate exercise does not change. However the colder weather means that our bodies need a different approach in order to procure maximum benefit, hopefully without any injury. Muscles and joints will need to be warmed up gently with.. read more →

Cranial Service

Northlondonosteopaths provides a cranial service, most commonly used and appreciated by parents with babies who have difficulty settling into post birth routine. Our cranial specialist, Sean Noimark explains below how this form of osteopathy can help babies in this particular case, although older children and adults may also benefit from cranial osteopathy in certain instances… read more →